Metro Manila
Burberry London Special Edition For Men,
100ml Edt,
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Burberry released holiday edition of Burberry London for men and women in October 2009. Special edition of Burberry London for Men 2009 is a creation by Antoine Maisondieu. The perfume starts its woody-spicy composition with fruity notes of lemon, green pineapple and currant. Middle notes of lavender are fresh and aquatic, while a base is intensive and made of wood and amber. Made in France.
sms: 09209238009, 09178670926, 09235258892
Meet ups: Welcome Rotonda QC
Shipping Fee: Metro Manila P40 above/Provincial P90 above
(depending on total weight)
Preferred courier: LRC Express/LBC Express
Bank accepted: BPI/BDO/Metrobank/RCBC/PNB/Chinabank
Money Transfers accepted: LBC/Cebuana/Palawan Express
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