Conductive Fiber Stainless Steel 20um 10 Grams
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This conductive fiber is super interesting! It's great for felting and could also be spun into yarn if that's your thing. We tested many different fiber thicknesses for needle felting and found that this one (20um fiber thickness) is the most pleasurable to work with. Use about 0.2g of the stuff to make a felt touch button suitable for use with the MaKey MaKey or capacitive touch sensing circuit. Make felt controllers or felt buttons onto an existing wool sweater!
You can also make a squeeze/pressure sensor with this fiber, as it becomes less resistive the more you squeeze the fibers together. Make sure to combine this fiber with a natural animal fiber (which have "scales") for best results. We think 10g is the perfect amount and will get you through several projects.
This seller has been a member since: Feb. 11, 2017
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